기후변화 예술계 대응 사례 5-에든버러 프린지 3

연체를능속가지성킷툴한위공단킷:: https://edfringe.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/uploads/docs/participants/2018%20Sustainability%20Toolkit%20Companies.pdf

연체를능속가지성킷툴한위공단킷:: https://edfringe.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/uploads/docs/participants/2018%20Sustainability%20Toolkit%20Companies.pdf

your collective What part of your location? ecology index of a group can be examined through the checklist : CharSetEncoding 10 – 15 – 1 points You are a surprising transformation because they make advanced in comparison with those of other people. If we have sustained a driving force at an early stage, and will be able on a sustainable implementation of the next step of 30. 1 6 – 3 0 points : contributed to the sustainability of the fringe won’t unless he/she has received a gift for the institution you. will continue to grow some practice leader in sustainability should it. – 31 – 40 points : the front-runners of sustainability of yours. to go out, by expanding a canopy, birthday, so as to be equal in the performance Sarah you should. – two additional items of the suction for each bonus at the time of completing the respective items makes two bonuses is added, and your organizations should be sustainable, high order into the air.

section A of the staff policy and a member of sustainability policy and plan of action to prepare a plan of action. core organization’s responsibility to development given for a sustainable way. sustainability and trial work is a whole new generation performances. up for many years, had been, or a bicycle, you do not had to be carried out subject to the goals of the following matters. (1) the standpoint of the association statement that shows off of the action plan for achieving a target. There is no need for policies and an enormous work of the association point (square) . What are you doing become more sustainable in their affairs, of achieving important as a group performance, and that is why I want to think about whatever you want. Creative Live policy through the Carbonite nd Scott Pang, who previously is creating. (2) prove that there is a plan of action. (square) the Action Plan to the public, a theater on a web site of the association point to very quickly share it to other suppliers, the members of the organization and his fellow workers. not need to be updated periodically. sustainable work and bodies participating (3) organizations of all members of a policy close to the sustainability can understand. (4) point (square) on which an association member may be sustainable To provide a tool which can provide a solution for about a problem. waste disposal in routine works, MATERIAL PURCHASE and to provide a power saving information how and where. (square) a single goal Creative Live Carbonite nd Scott Cleland’s to the local culture and sustainability groups for advice. (5) a fringe event program as part of the Central (Glen Center Spring Forstall ) participate in sustainability events that will take place. (square) event to focus on sustainability point to intervene the subject-matter of the countless more than 100 pieces, if no events are held.bonus (advocate ) economy two points in the Zhongping era, a person in charge of group leaders designated the implementation of a sustainable health and safety or accessibility at the forefront of operating as much as group.

Be a promotion, marketing, communication to promote the performance section will be mandatory. but often of promotional materials is more visible signs of the practice not be sustainable. eco-friendly printing and advertising (1) the amounts reduced.rather than too much printing from the start point (square) to him later if necessary, additional printing while reducing a cost can be saved. 2017 year, fringe society through recycling program over one ton of printed matter are recycled, but this is not fringe when I saw the whole large quantity. (2) environmentally sustainable option is selected. (square) one duplex printing, recycling and beans and vegetables (FSC) certificate form ink, and enhance the sustainability of a material of the printed matter, carbon neutral. Mori and a great influence on the source of climate, water in the printing process. Ask any option can be used for printing. In most cases, and service of which corresponds to the price. (3) a local printer is used. (square) in supporting regional economic communities to reduce emissions by shortening the delivery distance in the case of the Ministry of printing is often capable of adjusting an amount operation in a short period of time. the supply chain and carbon dioxide emissions to ask a question to the printer. (4) and distributes to get used to. (square) additional hardware to make it may not. for the smaller one point 10 distributing leaflets saying the significant of a comprehensive dialogue much more effective. flier is good interaction is stored to a person who exchanged for storing a performance they were based on the experience of performance and that this will be reminiscent of their lines. easily shared via social media, take the leaflets by an audience, and advised him capable of creating a digital electronic leaflet. (5) can be recycled and recycling, the marketing materials for use.Corr index an outdoor advertisement such as a point (square) a commodity can be recycled and waterproof, and maintaining durability during the period of the festival. inquire which options are available to suppliers. an alternative for printed matter 6. is used. Bitensky, to step up efforts to promote diversification one point (square) as the video used tools like a wide range of audiences through digital channels including novels and media approaches. performance programs or policy note is not used. (square) To provide a paper includes information can be reused instead of one of the audience, when he left again in the audience, and recovery. or to be able provides links to websites, a novel and media group. media and media critic, artist or writer to create a digital electronic leaflet for. to the viewers these people more user-friendly. two square bonus you hit back for enhancing environmental sustainability, everyone, report it to me. used as part of the performance marketing campaigns, reference shall be made to the public. of transportation to the performances throughout before and after the performance guidance information for the cup and a leaflet recycling place positioned to any places in the theater for the last point. In a press conference organization efforts for sharing.

– of the travel the work of all freight to take part in the fringe section carbon emissions, emission of a carbon footprint most large part of their hearts. and I went to see out of the point of view of the sustainability of the city a trip to Edinburgh Pentlands. When you get to Edinburgh and travel in central Tokyo are. walking was not suitable for a city in you travel on foot during a festival is useful and that this planet to walk around the quickest method. (1) by a landslide and passenger train and maximize the use of a car pool. He receive Arts Festival some of the Air Travel Agency, in an fringe is the world’s largest point (square) the trip for you but can not avoid the flight is the carbon intensive. * Give extra points to themselves, if Air Travel is not required.2. , if any air if you do not must be using a direct flight are reserved. square one point by reducing the number of flight, since it is what happens during take-off and landing at the number of the vast majority of the better. move to the nearest airport if there is no direct flights in order to take a train. UK Air Do not seek as much as possible. 3. the union members is accommodation can be used when a person moves on foot and a bicycle path as the ve nyu-. square route for planning to walk one point Walk in. com a city biking directions by using Media Edinburgh. c by close of Street Journal. net seyo used. a large number of bicycle rental service company ; 2) has a temporary purchase and resale options.4) the members of the association is to interact using public transportation.Edinburgh if you opt for better bus and tram services provided by point (square) , please.(efu shi- Ent, including a night bus service. If not, must be a trip several times a day members of the one-day pass When you have a cost can be saved. The fringe performances a cargo of soybean in a fringe portion temporarily in a space almost no alternative storage space made. Many performance often while reducing or removing clothes, accessories or a tour at the time set. susumero with the assumption that not to have a negative impact on the art of performance characteristics. (5) Bring together with transportation means used by you. (square) one performance in cargo at the whole group can be moved to the transportation of you, if it were possible to distribute to the taxi fare and an exhaust gas can be saved at the same time. (6) to transport in common. square one point to save costs by reducing carbon emissions by combining resources organization. resource sharing, # or investigation of a number of social media groups to focus on the string using favorable economics in the vicinity of the organizations coming to Edinburgh, gentleman. two square the carbon dioxide emission amount by calculating a journey through a variety of popular online computer, thereby contributing to global sustainability efforts taking into account carbon offset.a design section D production design, the sustainability of the organization that began a system. The vast majority of his works created to be social, economic and environmental benefits. The biggest influence was that I can make performance suggests that the work of the current issues related to sustainable and often coming from. This includes equality between men and women, economic polarization or climate change, environmental problems. Edinburgh Pentlands and the surrounding area to find within the community necessary time, your work or procure the material for positive social in the area · to grant economic benefits(1) all necessary equipment, as well as funding from Edinburgh. square one point to reduce physical distribution caused by more efficient, in terms of carbon emissions and the transportation expense. confirm that contract. need be provided at a place of already coming in the house, I hope that it is omitted.(2) set made from local and small I don’t have to go.stage a common tables and chairs to the set point (square) the charity of the local shops, scrap metal including in and reproduce necessary things all day.The impact on the efficiency of design resources is, an effect of the resources through in terms of design consumes energy, water or organization at the side of a natural material for reducing the quantity is minimized. 3. lighting is reduced to shorten the energy to use .(square) performance lighting and a minimal illumination, or the existing one for his creative use of sunlight and can help too. The LED lighting and innovative lighting design quantity of energy required can be reduced. Bonus : having illumination reduced rather quickly add we can make in hot and cooler in the theater stage. a theater house energy efficiency in other regions, such as the front part of the question whether or not using the hall lights. (4) without using electric device and energy efficiency.(square) one energy efficiency (e.g., grade A) is maintained as much as possible and not use power is turned or when not. (5) sustainable sources and renewable sources is selected. (square) one design material which can not be recycled plastic shall not be lasts without wood sourcing so as to be.After the performance of planning one work 6 of this tour design (square) on plastic, polystyrene and wood and cardboard at your service, please. small set and is not if it were made of recycled material in the past not they should be reusable. If you are to do a tour for, especially the lead time of all performance and save the cost. easily transport, packaging, lightweight and give that officer an recall that not. Blink your exposure in a process for fliers and marketing bonus two points in the Zhongping era, sustainable transportation. Shared bicycle line, including those on foot and public transportation means is used an audience the performance be able to come.sections F – year round activities and cooperate green art initiatives, (The the Green daily active Innovation (standalone installer) as well as Live Ar ) ve nyu- (ve nyu- wo fukumu ) in the structure, their environmental impact of Scotland to the environment in order to reduce its activities. don’t may ve nyu- is a member to perform it you. Last.fm add-on to Google,. com : member registration can confirm the presence of the user to perform member registration retrieved. a green art to Nearby, the member of the initiatives selected. (1) (square) , I wouldn’t this can not be at any time one point. a member of the best performance halls are green you want art ethi thibu, I’m sure many may not be. If it were not a member, that you have a special connection with energy, water, waste reduction ve nyu- to perform it independent sustainability policy aimed to pursue a target can you be. Each manager you can to make what contribution a more sustainable contribution is ask. (2) in the Scottish government zero waste Scotland rules of the state. (square) ve nyu- of yours is a legal point which is not only the garbage paper does not be recycled, thick paper containing a glass, metal, plastic. to find garbage, and recycling at ve nyu- ve nyu- are caught together particles can be recycled.연체를능속가지성킷툴한위공단킷:: https://edfringe.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/uploads/docs/participants/2018%20Sustainability%20Toolkit%20Companies.pdf

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